Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Needa Vacation!

Wow! How does life get so crazy?

At work since my birthday we have been furiously getting ready for our every three year program audit. Can you say INSANE? We had so much to do! I am not that last minute kinda girl so my blood pressure has been off the charts!!

I am sure for the rest of you when you have huge deadlines at work, that everything at home runs ever so smoothly! Somehow I don't seem to have the handle on that. My last week and a half has been crazy! Sometimes I think the kids have 3 am meetings just to make sure their activities all overlap so I spend more time in the morning negotiating travel arrangements than checking that chores are done!

If any of you have any time saving skills to pass along (other than eaves dropping at 3 am) to make me super mom...feel free!

Keep smiling!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my.. I think you get the Survivor award for making it through the week! I have to sign this as anonymous, but it is really your friend Bean!
